Housing Sales Statistics for Lawrence, KS

Tanya Kulaga - Lawrence's Top Realtor in 2015Tanya Kulaga
Realty Executives, Hedges Real Estate, Inc.
Underlying market conditions are an important factor in understanding the fair value of homes in any market. My website (LawrenceHomePrices.com) provides near real time analysis of fundamental housing data for the Lawrence, Kansas area which is unavailable anywhere else. Although aggregate housing data and sales statistics are helpful guides for determining the value of a home, each home must be appraised on its own merits. If you need assistance pricing your home or preparing an offer to purchase real estate in Lawrence, please contact me.

Tanya Kulaga is a Residental Sales Specialist and Lawrence Kansas Area Expert: contact Tanya view Tanya's résumé

Number of homes sold in Lawrence, KS by month

These charts document the phenomenon known as the "Spring Selling Season". In Lawrence, there's typically a surge in home sales as the winter weather changes and temperatures warm up in spring. The "sale" is recorded on the closing date for the sales transaction. Typically the closing date is 30 to 90 days after the date the property went "under contract", which is defined as the day the buyer and seller agree in writing to the price, terms and conditions for the sale of the property.

Chart of homes sold in Lawrence, KS by Month Over Last DecadeChart of homes sold in Lawrence, KS by Month in 2025

New sales contracts for homes in Lawrence, KS by month

The following charts record the dates homes went "under contract". In most cases this is 30 to 90 days before the sale is recorded and provide a better idea of when the peak home sale activity takes place in Lawrence. Note that the peak activity falls a few months earlier than on the sales charts above. These peaks indicate the months where buyer activity in Lawrence has been the highest.

Chart of homes going under contract in Lawrence, KS by month over last decade.Chart of homes going under contract in Lawrence, KS by month in 2025.

Residential Home Absorption Rates by Price Range for Lawrence, KS

Absorption rate tables help answer the question, "How long will it take to sell my house?". The table allows for quickly comparing current home inventories against the average number of homes sold each month. Generally 6 months of inventory is considered a "neutral" market. Less than 6 months of inventory is considered a "Sellers Market" and more than 6 months of inventory is considered a "Buyers Market". Additionally, absorption rate tables help illustrate how much direct competition a property has based on it's asking price. Like most cities, Lawrence may have a variety of market conditions depending on the price range being analyzed. Understanding the market at a specific price range can provide valuable insight for both buyers and sellers.

Absorption Rate Table for Residential Homes in Lawrence, KS
Price Range
Sales in
12 Months
Months of
Less than $75,0002000Not enough
$75,000 to $99,9991060.52
$100,000 to $119,9991140.333.03
$120,000 to $139,9993480.674.48
$140,000 to $159,99923171.421.41
$160,000 to $179,99960221.833.28
$180,000 to $199,99980211.754.57
$200,000 to $224,99937383.170.95
$225,000 to $249,99997514.252.12
$250,000 to $274,999313631
$275,000 to $299,999117857.081.55
$300,000 to $349,999161610891.78
$350,000 to $399,999209897.422.7
$400,000 to $449,999112373.083.57
$450,000 to $499,999123514.252.82
$500,000 to $599,999175594.923.46
$600,000 to $699,99972252.083.37
$700,000 to $799,99933161.332.26
$800,000 to $899,9991060.52
$900,000 or more.801218
ALL HOMES1447069157.582.5
NOTE: Sales in previous 12 months, includes current pending sales.
Most recent data change: November 1, 2024, 1:56 am. - Chart generated in 2.7485058307648 Seconds.

Home Price Appreciation in Lawrence, KS vs USA

The graph below uses a data set from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) called the Housing Price Index (HPI) to compare same home sales over time between Lawrence and the US. It helps unravel larger pricing trends which affect the value of all homes in Lawrence. An interactive version of the chart can be found by clicking the graph or visiting HomePriceGraph.com

Page generated on Friday, 02/07/2025 @ 09:27:49pm